Final Exam Schedule
Academic Year with Term Date Parameters
Curriculum Processing Calendar
PC 2024-2025 Curriculum Processing Calendar
Academic Department/Orgs and Subjects
PC Academic and Non-Credit Orgs (08/23/2024)
How to Read:
PCC_0060 Phoenix College List of Combined Classes
MCCD_SR_3530 Proofing Department Class Schedule
Department Chair Schedule Building identifies schedule building deadlines for Instructional Departments.
Spring 2024; Summer & Fall 2024; Spring 2025
Scheduling Phases: Building, Quality Control, and Maintenance
COM (Change of Master) Processes and Flowchart identifies requests requiring Administration approval and requests not needing approval and shows the steps followed from the time a request is initiated through a check for accuracy by requesting Instructional Department
Contact Hour Calculator ensures "in person" class meetings are scheduled for the correct number of minutes.
Independent Study identifies a specific course required by a student for completion of a degree or certificate.
Seat Time shows the number of clock hours (aka periods, contact hours) for "in person" content delivery. Instructional Departments must obtain Administration approval for exceptions to standard seat time.
Formula: 50 minutes x number of periods x 16 weeks / 60 minutes / number of weeks the course is offered = total hour(s) a week to be scheduled
Special Projects is for students seeking skills and knowledge not available through the delivery of existing courses (i.e., XXX298AA, AB, AC.)
Standard Class Start Stop Times for 3-period courses. "Late start" classes need start and end times adjusted accordingly.
Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation (CCTA) Web Site
Suggested Verb list for composing behavioral objectives, such as those reflected in course and program competencies is provided by the Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation (CCTA.) The MCCCD curriculum process uses Bloom's Taxonomy as the foundation for the development of curriculum.
Classroom Assignments identifies current business processes and procedures as approved by college
Location Search for Specific Room Availability using 25Live Pro for specific room availability
Curriculum Dev Request
Course Fee Application