Academic Advisement

Academic Advisement

Academic Advisement at Phoenix College is focused on your success. From your very first day, advising helps you plan your education, so you know what classes to take and what you need to do to reach your academic and career goals.

Meet with your Academic Advisor for assistance with:

  • Building an educational plan
  • Planning a course of study
  • Understanding assessment scores and course placement
  • Choose the right classes for your journey
  • Planning for graduation
  • Choosing courses for transfer to another institution
  • Locating and exploring education web resources

Make an Advising Appointment

Advisement is REQUIRED for new-to-college students

Advisement is a vital support for all students, and it’s a requirement for new-to-college students. This includes those enrolling full-time or part-time, and students seeking a degree or transfer.

BearTrax is new student orientation for new-to-college students, and advising takes place for them during this session. Continuing students should see their advisor at least once a semester.

  • During BearTrax, you’ll learn about degree requirements, receive academic advisement, enroll in classes, print your class schedule, learn more about campus resources, and more!
  • Questions? Stop by the Welcome Center in the Hannelly Center or call 602.285.7415

Transfer Credits

This list identifies the courses that meet The Arizona General Education Curriculum (AGEC) areas: Maricopa AGEC Course List

Please note that general education requirements for AAS, AGS, and Transfer degrees may vary. See the Phoenix College Catalog for complete information. General education designations are subject to change. See the MCCCD Curriculum Equivalency Guide website for updates and complete information.

Add these two statements to that same section under Transfer Credits

Maricopa's Transfer Evaluation System (TES) shows how your credits from other colleges/universities transfer to Maricopa Community Colleges and Phoenix College. Transfer Evaluation System


Are you interested in finding out what degree to begin at Phoenix College and a university? Click here: