Upcoming Events

Calendar of Events for Student Life and Leadership

Calendar March 2025

Office of Student Life & Leadership

Tue 3/4 12pm - 1pm Bear Talk Series with Prof. Marcia Corby Come out and hear the journey and story of Prof. Maria Corby who will share her passion for math and statistics SU Bears' Den
Thu 3/6 12pm - 1pm Bear Talk Series with Kathleen Tom-Garcia Learn and hear Kathleen Tom-Garcia as she shares her passion for design and purpose SU Bears' Den
Tue 3/18 11am - 1pm Bear Day: University Transfers and Student Resource Fair Learn about University transfer and resources. Sophomore Square
Tue 3/18 1pm - 2pm Adulting 101: Taxes Explore the basics of taxes and understanding tax filings SU 117
Wed 3/19 8am - 1pm STD - HIV Testing Know your status. Get free testing SU 117
Wed 3/19 11am - 1pm St. Mary's Food Bank Come grab some free food and fresh produce provided by St. Mary's Food Bank! Students, employees and community members are welcome to attend. SU Patio
Thu 3/20 10am - 11:30am Adult 101: Career Kickstart Join us as we decode he information on your paystubs, financial planning, tax understanding and work benefits. SU 117
Tue/Wed 3/25 -3/26 9:30am - 1pm Vitalant Blood Drive Sign up to donate, in the Student Union, and save a life Freshman Square
Wed 3/26 10am - 11qm College 101 Financial Aid Have questions about FAFSA, Come out and learn from Financial Aid Advisors SU 117
Sat 3/29 7:30am - 6pm Robotic Combat Tournament Come and support PC's Robotic Team Hacienda Room