Rise Literary & Arts Zine

Submit to PC's Literary Zine Rise ∙

Discover Rise: Phoenix College's Literary & Arts Magazine

Like the mythical Phoenix, PC students rise in the face of adversity. Rise's vision is to showcase diverse artistic talents from the college and the communities we serve. Explore our annual publication for stimulating content contributed by local artists and writers. 

Contribute to Issue Three

Rise features the original work of students, alumni, staff, and faculty, as well as contributions from community members.

Read Phoenix College's Online Literary Zine, RISE

Prizes   Monetary prizes, for first and second place, will be awarded in:
 •  poetry
 •  fiction
 •  nonfiction
 •  art

Guidelines   Follow these links for guidelines, and to submit your work for consideration:

Visual submissions 
Writing submissions
Audio/Video Submissions

The deadline for submissions is January 31, 2024  Issue Three will be released near the end of the Spring 2024 semester. 



Develop Editorial Skills

Interested in pursuing a creative career?  Editorial prowess is essential to bringing audiences literary expression, art, and graphic design. Take your skills to the next level by enrolling in:

Read the print edition of RISE

CRW 298AC (32403) Special Interest Course:
Rise, Phoenix College's Literary Arts Magazine
3 Credit Hours | Thursdays, 1 - 3 pm | Hybrid - Virtual Format

Enroll for Spring 2025

The Course   You'll join the editorial team that plans, develops, and produces Rise. In addition to earning college credit, your contributions will be recognized in forthcoming issues.

Emphasizing collaboration, students develop hands-on experience in:
 •  marketing
 •  advertising
 •  website production
 •  editorship

Instructor Pedagogy

A published poet and instructor, Professor Cody Wilson is cultivating hands-on learning experiences while fostering connections with the larger creative community.  In addition to teaching CRW 298ACin which he brings publishing and editorial experience to the classroomWilson also lectures courses in creative writing and English.  Prospective students are encouraged to reach him at cody.wilson@phoenixcollege.edu.