Associate in Arts, Elementary Education
The Associate in Arts, Elementary Education (AAEE) provides the first two years of a four year curriculum for the student who plans to transfer to an Elementary Education or Special Education program at an Arizona public higher education institution. Upon completion of the AAEE, a student may pursue employment as a classroom instructional aide. Upon completion of a bachelor's degree, a student may pursue a career as an elementary school teacher or as a special education teacher. With further education or certification, students may pursue employment in the field of education in a number of careers including but not limited to assistant principal, principal, educational administrator, instructional designer, instructional technologist, instructional coordinator, and educational counselor.
Students must earn a grade of C or better in all courses within the program.
As a prerequisite to MAT256, students may place into MAT150 or MAT151 or MAT152 and complete MAT140 or MAT141 or MAT142 with a C in lieu of taking both MAT14+ and MAT12+ or taking MAT15+. A student that tests into MAT15+ can take MAT15+ or MAT14+ prior to MAT256. A student that tests into MAT14+ or lower must take MAT12+ and MAT14+ prior to MAT256.
Students must petition NAU to accept (GCU/POS113) OR (HIS103 and POS221) for POS220.
State certification requirements include courses on the constitutions of US and Arizona. Taking GCU/POS113 for [SB] fulfills this requirement completely. Students who instead take HIS103 or POS110 for [SB] should consider taking POS221 as a Content Area Elective so they have completed study of both constitutions. POS220 meets state certification requirements for both constitutions but does not meet [SB].
- Evaluate the role and impact of various forms of education in a democracy as an active citizen and participate in their communities in constructive ways that demonstrate respect for differing cultures and values.
- Demonstrate a foundational knowledge of reading, writing, oral language, mathematics, science, social studies, technology, information literacy and art.
- Analyze K-12 classroom field experience and correlate it with course concepts.
- Demonstrate ongoing learning and use evidence to continually evaluate his/her professional growth, ethics, knowledge, skills, and dispositions (e.g. collaboration, professionalism, reflection, time management, effective communication).
- Utilize a foundational knowledge of child development (e.g. physical, cognitive, linguistic, social, and emotional domains), teaching and learning theories, cultural differences, and/or inclusive educational practices for diverse learners.
- Synthesize knowledge of current and historical influences on education at the local, state, federal and/or global levels to effectively engage in the professional policies and the political process.
- Apply relevant knowledge, skills, and habits of mind to seek career opportunities in the field.
Successful completion of this degree may lead to employment in a variety of different occupations and industries. Below are examples of related occupations with associated Arizona-based wages* for this degree. Education requirements vary for the occupations listed below, so you may need further education or degrees in order to qualify for some of these jobs and earn the related salaries. Please visit with an academic advisor and/or program director for additional information. You can click on any occupation to view the detail regarding education level, wages, and employment information.
Education Administrators, Kindergarten through Secondary
$81,410 Show expanded career information for Education Administrators, Kindergarten through Secondary
Educational, Guidance, and Career Counselors and Advisors
$54,280 Show expanded career information for Educational, Guidance, and Career Counselors and Advisors
Elementary School Teachers, Except Special Education
$51,150 Show expanded career information for Elementary School Teachers, Except Special Education
Instructional Coordinators
$58,250 Show expanded career information for Instructional Coordinators
There are additional career opportunities associated with this degree that do not have occupational data available for Arizona at this time. These occupations are listed below:
- Special Education Teachers, Kindergarten and Elementary School
- Teacher Assistants
* Career and wage information provided by Pipeline AZ using data, reports, and forecasts which are generated using government data sources. Sources
The following is the suggested course sequence by term. Please keep in mind:
- Students should meet with an academic advisor to develop an individual education plan that meets their academic and career goals. Use the Degree Progress Report Tool in your Student Center to manage your plan.
- The course sequence is laid out by suggested term and may be affected when students enter the program at different times of the year.
- Initial course placement is determined by current district placement measures and/or completion of 100-200 level course and/or program requirements.
- Degree and transfer seeking students may be required to successfully complete a MCCCD First Year Experience Course (FYE) within the first two semesters at a MCCCD College. Courses include FYE101 and FYE103. Course offerings will vary by college. See an academic, program, or faculty advisor for details.
Full-time Sequence
Full-time status is 12 credits to 18 credits per semester.
Awareness Areas |
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Course Number | Course Name | Requisites | Notes | Area | Credits |
EDU222 | Introduction to the Exceptional Learner | C, SB | 3 | ||
COM225 | Public Speaking | View requisites | L | 3 | |
MAT256 | Investigating Quantity: Number, Operations and Numeration Systems | View requisites | 4 | ||
BPC110 or CIS105 or EDU/EED115 |
Computer Usage and Applications or Survey of Computer Information Systems or Digital Literacy for Teaching and Learning in Education | CS or CS or CS | 3 | ||
EDU+++ | EDU Elective | Select one additional EDU course (other than EDU221, 222, 230 or 250). Recommend EDU110, EDU220, EDU236, EDU/HUM/STO292. | 3 |
Term 4
Course Number | Course Name | Requisites | Notes | Area | Credits |
SQ or SG |
Natural Sciences Quantitative or Natural Sciences General | Select from AGS, ASM, AST, CHM, GPH, GLG, PHS or PHY. At least one Natural Science must be SQ. | SQ or SG | 4 | |
GCU/POS113 or HIS103 or POS110 |
United States and Arizona Social Studies or United States History to 1865 or American National Government | Students must petition NAU to accept (GCU/POS113) OR (HIS103 and POS221) for POS220. | H, SB or H, HU, SB or SB | 3 | |
RE | Content Area Electives | 5 | |||
MAT257 | Investigating Geometry, Probability and Statistics | View requisites | Note: MAT257 is required for Maricopa, NAU and UA bachelor`s degree. MAT257 should only be bypassed if transferring to ASU | 0–4 |
Content Area Electives
Select five (5) credits from the following:
Part-time Sequence
Part-time status is 11 credit hours or less.
Awareness Areas |
Term 1
Course Number | Course Name | Requisites | Notes | Area | Credits |
EDU221 or EDU230 |
Introduction to Education or Cultural Diversity In Education | Critical course Gateway course | SB or C, HU | 3 | |
ENG101 or ENG107 |
First-Year Composition or First-Year Composition for ESL | View requisites | Critical course | FYC or FYC | 3 |
FYE101 or FYE103 |
Introduction to College, Career and Personal Success or Exploration of College, Career and Personal Success | 1–3 |
Term 2
Course Number | Course Name | Requisites | Notes | Area | Credits |
EDU221 or EDU230 |
Introduction to Education or Cultural Diversity In Education | Critical course Gateway course | SB or C, HU | 3 | |
ENG102 or ENG108 |
First-Year Composition or First-Year Composition for ESL | View requisites | Critical course | FYC or FYC | 3 |
CRE101 | College Critical Reading and Critical Thinking | View requisites | L | 0–3 |
Term 3
Course Number | Course Name | Requisites | Notes | Area | Credits |
EDU222 | Introduction to the Exceptional Learner | C, SB | 3 | ||
MAT14+ or MAT15+ or MAT187 |
College Mathematics or College Algebra/Functions or Precalculus | View requisites | Or any approved general education course in the Mathematical Applications [MA] area for which MAT15+ is a prerequisite.
Note: MAT182, 206, 256, 257 do not meet the [MA] requirement. Students need to complete MAT14x and MAT12x OR MAT14x and satisfactory placement in MAT15x OR MAT15x or higher in order to meet MAT256 prerequisites (in future term). |
MA or MA or MA | 3–6 |
Term 4
Course Number | Course Name | Requisites | Notes | Area | Credits |
COM225 | Public Speaking | View requisites | L | 3 | |
CFS205 or CFS/ECH176 or ECN211 or ECN212 or GCU121 or GCU122 or HIS104 or PSY101 |
Human Development or Child Development or Macroeconomic Principles or Microeconomic Principles or World Geography I: Eastern Hemisphere or World Geography II: Western Hemisphere or United States History 1865 to Present or Introduction to Psychology | CFS176 or ECH176 recommended | SB or SB or SB or SB or G, SB or G, SB or H, SB or SB | 3 |
Term 5
Course Number | Course Name | Requisites | Notes | Area | Credits |
BPC110 or CIS105 or EDU/EED115 |
Computer Usage and Applications or Survey of Computer Information Systems or Digital Literacy for Teaching and Learning in Education | CS or CS or CS | 3 | ||
EDU/ENH291 or ENH110 or ENH241 or ENH242 or HUM250 or HUM251 |
Children's Literature or Introduction to Literature or American Literature Before 1860 or American Literature After 1860 or Ideas and Values in the Humanities: Early Civilizations to the Renaissance or Ideas and Values in the Humanities: Renaissance to the Contemporary World | View requisites | EDU291 or ENH291 recommended | HU or C, HU or C, HU, L or HU or H, HU, L or H, HU, L | 3 |
Term 6
Course Number | Course Name | Requisites | Notes | Area | Credits |
SQ | Natural Sciences Quantitative | Select from BIO. At least one Natural Sciences course must be SQ. | SQ | 4 | |
MAT256 | Investigating Quantity: Number, Operations and Numeration Systems | View requisites | 4 |
Term 7
Course Number | Course Name | Requisites | Notes | Area | Credits |
MAT257 | Investigating Geometry, Probability and Statistics | View requisites | Note: MAT257 is required for Maricopa, NAU and UA bachelor`s degree. MAT257 should only be bypassed if transferring to ASU | 0–4 | |
SQ or SG |
Natural Sciences Quantitative or Natural Sciences General | Select from AGS, ASM, AST, CHM, GPH, GLG, PHS or PHY. At least one Natural Science must be SQ. | SQ or SG | 4 |
Term 8
Course Number | Course Name | Requisites | Notes | Area | Credits |
EDU+++ | EDU Elective | Select one additional EDU course (other than EDU221, 222, 230 or 250). Recommend EDU110, EDU220, EDU236, EDU/HUM/STO292. | 3 | ||
ARH100 or ARH101 or ARH102 or DAH100 or DAH201 or DAH250 or MHL140 or MHL145 or MHL146 or MHL153 or THE111 or THE220 |
Introduction to Art or Art from Prehistory Through Middle Ages or Art from Renaissance to Modernism or Introduction to Dance in the United States or Dance, Culture, and Global Contexts or Dance in Popular Culture or Survey of Music History or American Jazz and Popular Music or Survey of Broadway Musicals or Rock Music and Culture or Introduction to Theatre or Modern Drama | View requisites | HU or H, HU or H, HU or HU or G, HU or C, HU or HU or C, HU or HU or H, HU or HU or HU, L | 3 |
Term 9
Course Number | Course Name | Requisites | Notes | Area | Credits |
RE | Content Area Electives | 5 | |||
GCU/POS113 or HIS103 or POS110 |
United States and Arizona Social Studies or United States History to 1865 or American National Government | Students must petition NAU to accept (GCU/POS113) OR (HIS103 and POS221) for POS220. | H, SB or H, HU, SB or SB | 3 |
Content Area Electives
Select five (5) credits from the following:
Gateway Course = Generally the first major-specific course in a pathway.
Critical Course = A course that is highly predictive of future success in a pathway.
- C = Cultural Diversity in the US
- CS = Computer/Statistics/Quantitative Application
- FYC = First Year Composition
- G = Global Awareness
- H = Historical Awareness
- HU = Humanities, Fine Arts, and Design
- L = Literacy & Critical Inquiry
- MA = Mathematics
- SB = Social-Behavioral Sciences
- SG = Natural Sciences General
- SQ = Natural Sciences Quantitative
Students must earn a grade of C or better for all courses required within the program.
Course Sequence total credits may differ from the program information located on the MCCCD curriculum website due to program and system design.
View MCCCD’s official curriculum documentation for additional details regarding the requirements of this award (
At Maricopa, we strive to provide you with accurate and current information about our degree and certificate offerings. Due to the dynamic nature of the curriculum process, course and program information is subject to change. As a result, the course list associated with this degree or certificate on this site does not represent a contract, nor does it guarantee course availability. If you are interested in pursuing this degree or certificate, we encourage you to meet with an advisor to discuss the requirements at your college for the appropriate catalog year.
The pathway map presented above is for the current catalog year and is the intended pathway map for new students. All previous catalog years for this pathway map are available at the link below.