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Counseling Department

Counseling Dept with Bumstead

Alexa Peña - Administrative Specialist, Sr.

Alexa Peña

What do you do for self-care?

I meditate and stretch daily, listen to podcasts, and read new books.

What are you currently curious about or actively learning? 

I am actively practicing ASL (American Sign Language)!

With experience in counseling, what wisdom can you share with students?

One wisdom that I have learned is that everyone has a different story.

What do you like to eat?

I like to eat noodles!

Alisia (Giac-Thao) Tran, Ph.D. - Counseling Faculty

Dr. Alisia Tran

What do you do for self-care?

I enjoy spending time with my children and I find it especially good self-care for all of us to be out-and-about and active in nature or our communities. I also do crosswords and puzzles.

What are you currently curious about or actively learning? 

I am trying to be more effective with graphic arts and design. 

With experience in counseling, what wisdom can you share with students?

Be fair to yourself--even better, be kind to yourself.

What do you like to eat?

I'm a foodie so I like to try new things. I especially like cakes/cupcakes/cookies.

Fred Amador, M.C. - Counseling Faculty

Fred Amador

What do you do for self-care?

Walk outside 20-30 minutes a day. Listen to music.

What are you currently curious about or actively learning? 

Personal development, mindfulness, and wellness. 

With experience in counseling, what wisdom can you share with students?

Be kind to yourself and others.

What do you like to eat?

Too many things! Pizza, Mexican, and Chinese food.

Joanna Torres - H.O.P.E. Initiative Program Coordinator

Joanna Torres

What do you do for self-care?

I love chasing sunsets, unplugging and taking a walk.

What are you currently curious about or actively learning? 

Actively learning how to be a better baker. Learning that following the measuring rules is key.

With experience in counseling, what wisdom can you share with students?

Always believe in yourself. You are capable of doing anything your set your mind to and will overcome any obstacles that come your way as long as you believe in yourself and put the effort into it. Reach out, ask the questions, get the resources you need. 

What do you like to eat?

I love trying new foods but my favorite is flautas.

Kaylin Shady, MSW - Single Stop Coordinator

Kaylin Shady

What do you do for self-care?

Yoga, hiking, baking, and reading.

What are you currently curious about or actively learning? 


With experience in counseling, what wisdom can you share with students?

Our greatest obstacles are our greatest wisdom.

What do you like to eat?

Vegan baked goods.

Koyun (Alice) Chi, Ph.D. - Counseling Faculty

Dr. Alice Chi

What do you do for self-care?

Dance salsa/bachata, swim, yoga, sleep, and talk to friends who are across time zones away.

What are you currently curious about or actively learning? 

I am actively learning how to lead and follow in Salsa-On-2 and Bachata. I try to keep up my Spanish using Duolingo 

With experience in counseling, what wisdom can you share with students?

When things are hard, find people (e.g. friends/family) to support you. One of the most courageous things is allowing yourself to feel and be vulnerable, the secret to fostering meaningful human connections.

What do you like to eat?

I eat everything! Favorites are tacos de lengua, bún bò huế, aguachile, crispy Sichuan pork intestines, Taiwanese stinky tofu, tres leches, tiramisu, and grass jelly shaved ice with taro balls.

Kristin Sergeant, Ph.D. - Counseling Faculty

Dr. Kristin Sergeant

What do you do for self-care?

I try to be intentional about doing something that I enjoy every day, such as spending time outdoors, visiting friends or family, or doing something crafty!.

What are you currently curious about or actively learning? 

I am currently curious about learning more mindfulness and executive function strategies for college students. 

With experience in counseling, what wisdom can you share with students?

Be kind to yourself and others. We are all perfectly imperfect, experience challenges, and need assistance at times - and that's okay! 

What do you like to eat?

I'll never get sick of pizza.

Roberto Villegas-Gold, Ph.D. - Counseling Department Chair

Dr. Roberto Villegas-Gold

What do you do for self-care?

Go for a bike ride.

What are you currently curious about or actively learning? 

How to speak Spanish. 

With experience in counseling, what wisdom can you share with students?

It's hard to stay in the uncomfortable place, but that's where the work happens.

What do you like to eat?

Hot Cheetos.

Violetta Lopez-Armijo, Ed.D. - Counseling Faculty

Dr. Violetta Lopez-Armijo

What do you do for self-care?

I like to leave town when possible. The further away from the city I get, the more relaxed I become. I also like to treat myself to coffee at times and stare at a blank wall for about 15 minutes

What are you currently curious about or actively learning? 

I am always curious and actively learning about parenting skills, mentoring approaches, and teaching strategies to support personal development among my own children and the students I serve within my profession. 

With experience in counseling, what wisdom can you share with students?

Check in with yourself on how you are doing and how full/empty your own cup is on a regular basis. Give yourself the time to reflect, to dig down and really figure out what is actually important to you, not what others are telling you. Show yourself the same compassion you are willing to offer to others. At the end of it all-  this is your life, and you want to be true to yourself as well as stay open to always learn, grow, and forgive.

What do you like to eat?

I love to eat tacos! I could eat them all day every day. Also a fan of some really good chile verde.

Administrative Team

Administrative Team

Left to Right:  Jennifer Alvarado,  Breanna Meza,  Itaty Gonzalez,  Cici Mendoza,  Alexa Peña.